“Homage” meaning to honor or to show respect to! so, with this Shirt we will pay Homage to the one who left his sit on the throne, was born of a virgin, came into a world filled with sin. to teach, to deliver, and to save! He was trailed, Mock, Whipped, and Hung on the cross and Died for our sins that he didn’t commit!
So, join me to pay “Homage” Honoring our savior on the final moments of the greatest act of Human History. and celebrating the sacrifice he made for us.
Forgiven on front of the shirt to tell people that all our sins are forgiven. and strips on the back to represent the lashes he took during the trail and the scripture of Isaiah 53:5
“Homage” meaning to honor or to show respect to! so, with this Shirt we will pay Homage to the one who left his sit on the throne, was born of a virgin, came into a world filled with sin. to teach, to deliver, and to save! He was trailed, Mock, Whipped, and Hung on the cross and Died for our sins that he didn’t commit!
So, join me to pay “Homage” Honoring our savior on the final moments of the greatest act of Human History. and celebrating the sacrifice he made for us.
Forgiven on front of the shirt to tell people that all our sins are forgiven. and strips on the back to represent the lashes he took during the trail and the scripture of Isaiah 53:5
“Homage” meaning to honor or to show respect to! so, with this Shirt we will pay Homage to the one who left his sit on the throne, was born of a virgin, came into a world filled with sin. to teach, to deliver, and to save! He was trailed, Mock, Whipped, and Hung on the cross and Died for our sins that he didn’t commit!
So, join me to pay “Homage” Honoring our savior on the final moments of the greatest act of Human History. and celebrating the sacrifice he made for us.
Forgiven on front of the shirt to tell people that all our sins are forgiven. and strips on the back to represent the lashes he took during the trail and the scripture of Isaiah 53:5