Who we are
Perspective:Posture was given in a dream, and confirmed in the clouds. Perspective:Posture is a clothing brand that is here to restore people and bring them back to their former glory, restore the image that was tarnished by this world, and to bring them back to the place where they belong. Home! where the 1 and only true living God lives, in the arms of the one who truly loves them, and the one who truly cares for their well being!
and it starts in the mind! Throughout our history we were taught things by others, and it obscured the way we look at things (Perspective) and experienced things that formulated a stance within us (Posture) which ultimately made us Defensive! Perspective:Posture purpose is to instill the truth that breaks down that the walls, and to smother the roots of the problem, creating within you a restored outlook of the world and a restored stance in life, and a newfound Love for Jesus Christ!
This walk is a Journey and we experienced and seen a lot of things, but we did all of this without the guidance of the father. we walk this world without the covering that we truly needed, and walked it with a heart filled with Grief, Pain, Trauma, Abuse, and etc. walking without the Wisdom, Understanding, and Knowledge that we need, and if we had obtained that it would have covered us and protected us from the things we experienced now.
But Perspective:Posture is here to provide that, bringing you into the healing that you so truly deserve, bringing relief and strategy to help you along the way, and to help lead you to a man who can truly lead you to all the things that you need and more. Jesus! the one who died for your sins, the one who looked pasted all of your faults and chose you, the one that changes your name and narrative that man! who we like to introduce to you!
Perspective:Posture is here for you, whether it is giving out a word, or apparel and artwork that speaks to your heart. our one and true and only purpose is lead you to Him! God Bless you all!
Contact us
Interested in working together? Fill out some info and we will be in touch shortly. We can’t wait to hear from you!